Date: January 4t, 2025

I finally did it! I built my own little website from scratch!

Today, January 4th 2025 is the first day of my website.

I'm hoping to get the hang of CSS and HTML so that I can do more creative things with this website. It's fun as heck.

Seeing as I have no other social media presence I felt digitally alienated. Over the last 15 years, I've noticed a huge shift in the way online communities are formed and how we socialize with one another. Those that recall the early days of the internet might understand what I'm talking about. A time when there wasn't as much division. If you didn't like someone it was for reasons other than their political inclinations.

This fear of screwing up your online presence by saying something not in vogue has turned everyone into a product. Everyone is just selling their own brand of whatever they want other people to believe, which is disingenuous and exhausting.

All that to say, welcome to my humble cyber abode! Please don't cancel me.